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Department Class Rooms


(Common to I B.Tech I/II Seme(EEE, ECE, CSE & CSE-DS )



  • Understands the concepts of interference, diffraction and their applications.

  • Understand the role of optical fiber parameters in communication.

  • Recognize the importance of energy gap in the study of conductivity and Hall Effect in a semiconductor.

  • To provide practical understand and extend the knowledge on basic concepts and applications of semiconductor based electronic devices, and magnetic materials    which find potential in the emerging micro device applications.

  •  Will understand the applications of B-H curve.

  • Understand intensity of the magnetic field of circular coil carrying current with distance. 

  • Will understand dielectric constant by charging and discharging method.



List of Experiments:

  1. Determine the thickness of the wire using wedge shape method

  2. Determination of the radius of curvature of the lens by Newton’s ring method

  3. Determination of wavelength by plane diffraction grating method

  4. Determination of dispersive power of prism.

  5. Determination of wavelength of LASER light using diffraction grating.

  6. Determination of particle size using LASER.

  7. To determine the numerical aperture of a given optical fiber and hence to find its acceptance angle

  8. Determination of dielectric constant by charging and discharging method.

  9. Magnetic field along the axis of a circular coil carrying current –Stewart Gee’s method.

  10. Measurement of magnetic susceptibility by Gouy’s method

  11. Study the variation of B versus H by magnetizing the magnetic material (B-H curve)

  12. To determine the resistivity of semiconductor by Four probe method

  13. To determine the energy gap of a semiconductor

  14. Determination of Hall voltage and Hall coefficient of a given semiconductor using Hall Effect.

 15. Measurement of resistance with varying temperature.


  • Operate optical instruments like microscope and spectrometer

  • Determine thickness of a hair/paper with the concept of interference
    Estimate the wavelength of different colors using diffraction grating and resolving power
    Plot the intensity of the magnetic field of circular coil carrying current with distance

  • Evaluate the acceptance angle of an optical fiber and numerical aperture
    Determine the resistivity of the given semiconductor using four probe methods.

  • Identify the type of semiconductor i.e., n-type or p-type using hall effect

  • Calculate the band gap of a given semiconductor


(Common to I B.Tech I/II Seme(EEE, ECE, CSE & CSE-DS )


To make the student learn about:

  1. Understanding the major concepts; theoretical principles and experimental findings in chemistry.

  2. Generating an ability of critical thinking and efficient problem-solving skills in the Analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical Chemistry.

  3. Using modern instrumentation for Chemical analysis.

  4. Make familiar with the applications of safety and chemical hygiene; regulating practices.

  5. To work effectively in diverse teams both in classroom as well as laboratory.

  6. To develop an understanding the concepts of Chemical and Water Analysis.

  7. The goals set by this laboratory are to advance knowledge and to apply chemical sciences in everyday life.

List of Experiments:-

1. Measurement of 10Dq by spectrophotometric method

 2. Models of potential energy surfaces

 3. Conductometrictitration of (i) strong acid vs. strong base, (ii) weak acid vs. strong base

4. Determination of cell constant and conductance of solutions

 5. Potentiometry - determination of redox potentials and emfs

6. Determination of Strength of an acid in Pb-Acid battery

 7. Preparation of a Bakelite and measurement of its mechanical properties (strength.).

 8. Verify Lambert-Beer’s law

9. Thin layer chromatography

10. Identification of simple organic compounds by IR.

 11. Preparation of nanomaterial’s by precipitation

12. Estimation of Ferrous Iron by Dichrometry.




On the successful completion of this course students will understand safety, transfer, and measurement of chemicals, filtration, and preparation of solutions.


(Common to I B.Tech I/II Seme(EEE, ECE, CSE & CSE-DS )



  • Facilitate effective listening skills for better comprehension of academic lectures and         English spoken by native speakers

  • Focus on appropriate reading strategies for comprehension of various academic texts and authentic materials

  • Help improve speaking skills through participation in activities such as role plays, discussions and structured talks/oral presentations

  • Impart effective strategies for good writing and demonstrate the same in summarizing, writing well organized essays, record and report useful information

  • Provide knowledge of grammatical structures and vocabulary and encourage their appropriate use in speech and writing


  • Infer and predict about content of spoken discourse

  • Understand verbal and non-verbal features of communication and hold formal/informal


  • Interpret graphic elements used in academic texts

  • Produce a coherent paragraph interpreting a figure/graph/chart/table

  • Use language appropriate for description and interpretation of graphical elements

List of Topics.


1. Phonetics

2. Reading comprehension

3. Describing objects/places/persons

4. Role Play or Conversational Practice

5. JAM

6. Etiquettes of Telephonic Communication

7. Information Transfer

8. Note Making and Note Taking

9. E-mail Writing

10. Group Discussions-1

11. Resume Writing

12. Debates

13. Oral Presentations

14. Poster Presentation

15. Interviews Skills-1



  • To improve the students fluency in English through a well-developed vocabulary and enable

  • To listen to English spoken normal conversational speed by educated English speakers and respond approximately in different socio-cultural and professional contexts.

  • Further they would be required to communicate their ideas relevantly and coherently in writing.

  • To prepare all the students for their placements.


  • Accomplishment of sound vocabulary and its proper use contextually

  • Flair in writing facility in written expression

  • Enhanced job prospects.

  • Effective speaking abilities.



  • Gathering ideas and information and to organise ideas relevantly and coherently.

  • Engaging in debates.

  • Participating in group discussions.

  • Facing interviews.

  • Writing project/research reports/technical reports.

  • Making oral presentations.

  • Taking part in social and professional communication.



  1. Aim is to enable students understand how to write business letters and improve written    Communication.Outcomes:

  2. At the end of the course, students will be enabled with the following     skills.

  3. a. English language skills for effective written business communication (‘s).

  4. b. Will be able to understand how to write project report.



  1. 1. Business Writing: Introduction, Importance of Written Business Communication, Direct and Indirect Approach to Business Messages, Five Main Stages of Writing Business Messages. Practice Exercises.

  2. 2. Business Correspondence: Introduction, Business Letter Writing, Effective Business Correspondence, Components of Business Letters, Kinds of Business Letters, Writing Effective Memos. Practice Exercises.

  3. 3. Instructions: Introduction, Written Instructions, General Warning, Caution and Danger, Oral Instructions. Practice Exercises.

  4. 4. Business Reports and Proposals: Meaning of Reports, Parts of a Report, Steps in writing an effective Business Report

  5. 5. Careers and Resumes: Introduction, Career Building, Electronic and Video Resumes and Write your resume to market yourself.




  • At this stage the students need to prepare themselves for their careers which may require them to listen, to read, speak and write in English both for their professionals and interpersonal

  • Communication in the globalised context.


  • Develop their LSRW skills

  • Overcome their Mother tongue influence

  • Express/interpret their views without hesitation

  • Lose their stage fear and develop self-confidence

  • Able to reach corporate expectations.





  • Understanding the need of Communication Skills for Managers and the importance of effective communication, role play activities and case study analysis

  • Phonetics – Introduction to sounds of speech, vowels and consonants, phonetic transcription, orthographic transcription, syllabification, word stress, Innovation, Accent, Rhythm and Situational Dialogues

  • Listening exercises - listening with a focus on pronunciation (ear training): segmental sounds, stress, weak forms, intonation - listening for meaning (oral comprehension) : listening to talks, lectures, conversations, discussions, jokes, riddles etc.

  • Speaking Skills –Expressing opinions, Telephone conversations, PPT Presentations, Poster Presentations, Welcome Address (Inviting Dignitaries to department workshops, symposiums and university functions), proposing vote of thanks and Mock Interviews.

  • Writing and Reading exercises:- Reading and writing comprehensions, Note making after reading a text, showing the main idea and supporting ideas and the relationships between them -Practice in writing paragraphs, short essays and summaries etc.

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